Jomblo itu butuh cinta
Bukan Quotes -feb-
Ga usah repot mengejar cinta,
serahkan saja ke ahlinya (dukun) -feb-
Jangan pacaran sama yang serius
Ujung - ujungnya bubar -feb-
Yeah you...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The most interesting of my life

Febryansyah Andhika Ramadhan
Hasil gambar untuk futsal 
The most interesting of my life, when I participated in the futsal championship between classes at my college. I plays as a goalkeeper. Our class is actually not very good at futsal, but our team has a remarkable spirit. so that our team can penetrate the final round and won the futsal championship. I was also selected as the best goalkeeper and the only goal conceded by 4 times in all matches.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Most Favorite Thing

Febryansyah Andhika Ramadhan conan is my favorite thing. Conan edogawa (Sinichi Kudo) is my favorite character. I liked the character of Conan because I was interested in the world detective and also she is very smart and good at playing football. Detective Conan in the story there is also a lot of things possible future can be realized and may have also been realized in this world. such as "tie voice changers", "watch maker sleeping", and there are also "tracking glasses".

Shinichi Kudo, a 17-year-old high school detective who usually help the police solve the case, was attacked by two mysterious syndicate members when supervising an extortion. He was then made to drink poison mysterious recently completed developed to kill him. However, as a rare side effect of the unknown members of the syndicate, the toxin resulted in his body shrunk like a child aged seven years after they leave.

To conceal his identity and to investigate the circumstances of the syndicate, hereinafter known as the black-clad Organization or the Organization of the Black, he disguises his name to Conan Edogawa. To search for traces of the syndicate, he lived with a friend since childhood, Ran Mouri, whose father, Kogoro Mouri, is a private detective. He attended elementary and forming Teitan Little Detective Group with 3 classmates, namely: Ayumi Yoshida, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, and Genta Kojima.Meskipun body shrinking, it remains to solve the case. Usually, he completed cases by imitating the sound of Kogoro Mouri with a tool created by neighbors, Professor Agasa. Kogoro Mouri, a detective rather stupid, initially confused on the ability to solve the case of a sudden increase. But then he was not surprised because he is happy because his fame increased. Ran Mouri had several times suspect that Conan is Shinichi, but because of the ingenuity of Conan, then Ran also believe that Conan is not Shinichi.

Hasil gambar untuk detective conan english wikipedia
Furthermore, in this series, the other main character, Ai Haibara, appears. Ai is a former member of the Black Organization, which has the code name "Sherry". His real name is Shiho Miyano, a scientist who developed poison APTX Shinichi 4869 that make the body smaller. After her brother was brutally murdered by members of the Black Organization, he tried to get out of the organization, but he was arrested. He tried to commit suicide by swallowing pills APTX 4869, but his body was shrinking, and he managed to escape from the organization. He later attended elementary Teitan with the pseudonym "Ai Haibara". He knows the real identity of Conan and Conan help in the struggle to bring down the Black Organization.

Then, Conan was involved with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and they managed to capture Kir, a member of the Black Organization. Kir later discovered was an undercover CIA agent, and promised to give information about the Black Organization to the FBI. They then return the Kir to the organization. Later, he told the FBI that the Black Organization there is a new member codenamed Bourbon.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tugas 1 & Tugas 2 MatKul Bahasa Inggris Bisnis-2

Febryansyah Andhika Ramadhan
----TUGAS 1----
Explain About Grammar (Definition&Explain)

“grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Linguists do not normally use the term to refer to orthographical rules, although usage books and style guides that call themselves grammars may also refer to spelling and punctuation.”
In addition to the general definition as above, there are some experts who define Grammar languages ​​with different styles like Greenbaum and Leech. Leech et al (1982: 3) 
Defines grammar as: 
"Reference to the Mechanism According to the which language works when it is used to Communicate with other people.Grammar Is a mechanism for puttin
g words together, but we have said little about the sound of meaning. "
" The meaning Grammar is a reference mechanism when used according to the function of language in communication with others .... Grammar is the rule for the incorporation of the word, or the rules merging the sound of a meaning "
More extreme, renowned experts on the Grammar Greenbaum (1996: 25) defines Grammar as follows:
" In the concrete sense of the word grammar, a grammar is a book of one or more volumes. We of Also use grammar course for the contents of the book. When we compare grammars for Reviews their coverage and accuracy, we are referring to the contents of the book: a grammar is a book on grammar, just as a history is a book on history. "  
"According to the concrete meaning of the word Grammar, grammar is a book that contains one or more volumes. We also would define grammar as the contents of a book. When we compare grammar with discussion and kebebenarannya, we are of course referring to the contents of a book: so Grammar is a books on grammar, as well as the history is a book about the history. "

Sumber Dari:

----TUGAS 2----

1. How to Make Pancong Cake

• 150 gr rice flour
• 200 ml warm water
• 1 old coconut fruit, scrape out the skin and then grated
• 2 sheets of pandanus leaves
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 200 ml of raw water
• 1 egg chicken


1. Make coconut milk of half of grated coconut with 200 ml of warm water, flitered.

2. Heat coconut milk over low heat, stirring, stirring constantly until steaming. Input 50 gr flour rice little by little, stirring constantly, until merged / dissolved. Add the pandan leaves and salt. Cook the coconut milk-flour mixture until boiling and thickened. Remove and set aside.

3. Prepare a medium bowl, input remaining rice flour and remaining grated coconut and stir well. Then pour the coconut flour dough (stage 2), stirring constantly until all of them together and smooth. Add 200 ml of water and chicken egg that have been shaken apart. Continue to stir until all ingredients well blended.

4. Prepare pancong shape-cookies. (If you do not have it, this pancong shape-cookies can be bought at the supermarket or at the regular grocery store). Heat the shape-cookies over medium heat while smeared evenly with a little cooking oil so the cake will not stick.

5. Pour 2 tablespoons of dough into each mold until all the boxes filled and closed mold (shape cookies). Bake on medium heat (approximately 10 minutes) until done, usually marked by dry out and get peeled off the cake edge of the mold and the top of cake has full of holes. Remove the cake in a way pried, while still hot sprinkle with granulated sugar to taste. Repeat this step until all the ingredients out.

6. Now, your pancong cake ready to served. It’s better served immediately while warm.


2. How to Make Pempek

Fish Cake
– 500 gram flesh of Spanish mackerels, grinded – you can also used other fillet fish such as herring, pangasius
– 3 egg yolks
Pempek Palembang– 200 ml ice water
–  2 tablespoons  salt
– 1 tablespoon white sugar
– 1 teaspoon white pepper powder
– 1 teaspoon garlic powder
– 3 tablespoons vegetables oil
– around 800 – 1000 g sagoo/tapioca flour
Soup (Cuko)
– 250 g palm sugar
– 2 tablespoons white sugar
– 6 cloves of garlic, no need to peel the skin
– 25 g bird’s eyes chillies
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
– 1 tablespoons of tamarind (depend how sour you want the soup is)
– 250 ml water
Additional Ingredients
– Cucumber
– Egg noodle, cooked
– Grinded dried shrimp (ebi) – optional
1. Grind all the ingredients to make fish cake, except sagoo/tapioca flour. Mix them well.
2. Then take 1 tablespoon of fish batter, add about 2-3 tablespoons of sagoo flour, mix and shape  pempek as you wish (usually long and round). Set aside and shape the rest of batter until finished.
3. Boil the water using saucepan, and cook the pempek, about 15 minutes. When they are coming up to the surface, mean it cooked. Set aside.
4. Deep fry the cooked pempek.
5. Make the soup (cuko): boil the water with all the ingredients until sugar is dissolved. Then grind the sauce using food grinder or hand mixer,  filter.
4. Serving: place the pempek in plate (you can cut into small pieces), add the noodle and then pour with the soup. Garnish with the cucumber. Some people like to add ebi (grinded dried shrimp).

Friday, January 31, 2014


Febryansyah Andhika Ramadhan
Kutipan adalah pinjaman pendapat dari seseorang, baik berupa tulisan dalam buku, majalah, surat kabar, atau bentuk tulisan lainnya, maupun dalam bentuk lisan. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh bentuk kutipan.

1. Kutipan langsung

“Pustaka Java berisi ribuan (lebih dari 5000) kelas beraneka ragam keampuhan. Kekayaan ini merupakan kandungan tersembunyi bahwa penggunaannya dapat menghemat ratusan jam kerja. Keampuhan ini hanya dapat dimanfaatkan bila kita rajin mencoba. Sebelum membuat solusi sendiri, coba eksplorasi pustaka bahasa, mungkin telah diselesaikan” (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 37-38)

“Java memisahkan komponen untuk menampilkan keluaran dengan komponen untuk melakukan format keluaran. Keuntungan pemisahan antara lain format keluaran benar-benar sangat kaya melebihi yang dapat diperoleh di C++” (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 78)

2. Kutipan tak langsung

Penulisan dengan identasi merupakan konvensi penulisan yang bagus untuk diikuti. Identasi berarti memberi iden setiap menemui blok baru pada blok-blok yang berbeda. Identasi adalah gaya penulisan program bukan bagian bahasa secara teknis, sehingga digunakan untuk memperjelas pembacaan program oleh pemrogram, bukan oleh kompilator. Kompilator menghasilkan keluaran yang sama meski tanpa identasi. (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 174)

Polymorphism, yang berarti mempunyai banyak bentuk, merupakan konsep pokok di dalam perancangan berorientasi objek. Dua objek atau lebih dikatakan polymorphic jika mempunyai antarmuka-antarmuka yang identik namun mempunyai perilaku-perilaku berbeda. (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 357)

3. Kutipan dalam kutipan

‘Bahasa Java tidak lagi hanya untuk pemanis di web sebagai applet yang membikin Duke berdansa. Java adalah kakas, tetap hanya perangkat, bagaimanapun tetap hanya orang hebat yang dapat memberi arti penting kakas seperti dikatakan James Gosling, tokoh terpenting di Java : “All along, the language was a tool, not the end”’. (Bambang Hariyanto, Esensi-esensi Bahasa Pemrograman Java, 2007, Hal. 7-8)


Febryansyah Andhika Ramadhan
contoh-contoh daftar pustaka yang baik dan benar


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